Whenever you are travelling to Heidelberg, know this; unless you are a travel expert, you cannot tell the difference between a 5-star hotel and a boutique hotel. This is just as well since most people would rather spend their money in an affordable but comfy hotel than in an expensive hotel that offers just a few additional amenities over the boutique hotel. Conclusion? Spend as little as you can on accommodation and use the rest of the money in other fun activities. Below are the top rated boutique hotels in Heidelberg.
Whenever you are travelling to Heidelberg, know this; unless you are a travel expert, you cannot tell the difference between a 5-star hotel and a boutique hotel. This is just as well since most people would rather spend their money in an affordable but comfy hotel than in an expensive hotel that offers just a few additional amenities over the boutique hotel. Conclusion? Spend as little as you can on accommodation and use the rest of the money in other fun activities. Below are the top rated boutique hotels in Heidelberg.
2. Hip Hotel
3. Apartments & Hotel Kurpfalzhof
4. Hotel Die Hirschgasse Heidelberg
All the above hotels charge between US$125 to US$200 per night. If you do you maths, this rate would add up to around US$1750 and US$2800 for a two weeks stay. Now compare this to an average of US$4,000 to US$5000 that is charged in the luxury hotels and you start to understand why you need to book a boutique hotel.
There is an average of US$2000 difference in the amount paid for a stay in the 5-star hotel and a boutique hotel. Imagine the number of things you could do with a whopping $2000...you can take your spouse for a romantic dinner in a 5-star restaurant, you can sail to the high seas, you can attend top rated concerts, you can buy designer clothes, you can attend high energy parties as well as visit the zoo and still have some money left.
Yeah, that is how much you can do with savings from the accommodation account. I reckon that the next time that you visit the city of Heidelberg; you will put this into practice and see how much more your tour becomes enjoyable just by staying in the right hotel