Travel Stories | Adventure

Contiki helped me Re-discover who I really am

Have you ever sat on your bed and realised that you had no idea who you were anymore? In early 2016, I was diagnosed with depression... read more

Contiki is the Answer to Travelling with Anxiety. Here's why . . .

I was living at my Dad’s house in Germany, having moved there from Australia for my gap year adventure. I desperately wanted to travel. I'd... read more

8 Things Everyone should do in Thailand

It was hard figuring out which direction to go in - so many places to see, food to eat and new things to try. So,... read more

10 Reasons you should visit Bali once in your life

INDONESIAN FOOD Variety is the spice of life and if you're a self-confessed foodie, Bali is the answer. Not only is Indonesian food incredibly tasty, vibrant... read more

This is Thailand’s Dreamiest National Park and nobody seems to know about it...

After endless google searches, countless Instagram stalking and many screenshots later - I was convinced I was travelling somewhere untouched. Intrigued? Just keep reading... Firstly, Khao... read more

Two-stepping in Texas Dance Halls

Want a true blast of Texas culture? Turn to that most essential art form: dance. The state has a rich heritage of dance halls, many... read more

Kick up your Heels at a Texas Guest Ranch

Everyone has a preferred way to relax and unwind, whether it’s exercising, spending time with family and friends, or setting aside time to not do... read more

Texas Ranches & Rodeos

For an authentic cowboy experience, head out to one of the many guest and working dude ranches in Texas. Or take in a rodeo and... read more

Top 5 Road Trips for the Summer

Victoria A unique blend of old world charm and new world experiences. As an island destination, Victoria offers visitors an escape from the hurried world and... read more

Why in 2017, Travel is the Most Valuable form of Education

A bleak picture I know, and I believe this sentiment is shared by my fellow millennials all across the world. After all, these decisions are... read more