5 things you need to know about Sicily
Sicily is the largest island on the Mediterranean Sea. It constitutes an autonomous region of Italy, the Regione Siciliana. The first time I read of... read more
5 Things you need to know about Verona
Verona is an Italian city that bestrides the Adige River in Veneto, northern Italy. It is one of the 7 special administrative cities in northern... read more
5 things you need to know about Venice
Venice is a northeastern Italian city that is made up of 118 islands and islets, and separated by canals and linked by bridges. The Venetian... read more
What's it like to travel to Nicaragua
Nicaragua is a country located in the Central America Isthmus and is bordered by Honduras to the north, Costa Rica to the south, Caribbean Sea... read more
10 things you need to know before travelling to Peru
Peru is a South American country that is more popular among the tourists for its Gastronomy sector. It is bordered to the north by Ecuador... read more
10 things you didn't know about Bolivia
Bolivia is a landlocked country in South America that has over the years struggled with economic instabilities and is just emerging as the next frontier... read more
10 things you didn't know about Chile
Chile is a Spanish Speaking country in South America occupying a long narrow strip between the Andean ranges to the east and the Pacific Ocean... read more
10 things you need to know before you travel to East Africa
The name East Africa is today used to refer to Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Of late however, East Africa has expanded to include Rwanda and... read more
5 things you need to know about Messina
Messina, or Missina in Sicilian, is the third largest city in Sicily and the capital of Italian Province of Messina. Located on the Straits of... read more
5 things you need to know about Verona
Verona is a city in northern Italy bestriding the Adige River in Veneto. For its artistic heritage, several annual fairs, shows, and operas, such as... read more