<% if @agency.css && @agency.css.strip.length > 0 %> <% end %> <%= render_page('uniglobe_west_special_header') %> <% if html_header=Setting.get('html_header') %> <%= raw html_header %> <% end %> <% unless @posts @agents = User.where(:agency_id => @agency.id).agent.order('presence desc').limit(8) #- Posts @posts = Post.site(@agency.id).language(I18n.locale).includes(:user, :place, :agency_post).where(:kind => INDEXABLE_POSTS).order('created_at desc') if @agency_template && hashtag = Setting.get("hashtag_#{@agency_template}") @posts = @posts.hashtag(hashtag) end @posts = @posts.limit(Setting.get('fp_post_count') || 15) #- Experiences @experiences = Post.site(@agency.id).language(I18n.locale).includes(:place).where(:kind => VENDOR).order('posts.created_at desc') if @agency_template && hashtag = Setting.get("hashtag_#{@agency_template}") @experiences = @experiences.hashtag(hashtag) end @experiences = @experiences.limit(Setting.get('fp_exp_count') || 8) #- Look for sidebar content @sidebars = Page.site(@agency.id).language(I18n.locale).where(:external_link => 'sidebar_home').order('title').all @nobranding = true @title = @agency.meta_title && @agency.meta_title.strip.length > 0 ? @agency.meta_title : @agency.name unless @agency.meta_description && @agency.meta_description.strip.length > 0 && @description = @agency.meta_description @description = @agency.description end #- Get a random testimonial unless @testimonial = Post.site(@agency.id).language(I18n.locale).where(:kind => TESTIMONIAL).hashtag('#leisure').order('random()').first @testimonial = Post.site(@agency.id).language(I18n.locale).where(:kind => TESTIMONIAL).order('random()').first end end %> <%= render_page('header_leisure') %> <%= render_page('navigation_leisure') %>
<%= render_page('block_listing_specials') %> <%= render_page('block_listing_hotdeals') %>
<%= render_page('ad_horizontal_leisure') %> <% #- Blog posts for corporate @blogs = Post.site(@agency.id).language(I18n.locale).where(:kind => BLOG).hashtag('#leisure').order('created_at desc').limit(3).all %> <% if @blogs && @blogs.length > 0 %>

<%= t('From the blog')%>

<% @blogs.each do |post| %>
<% next unless post.place and post.user %>
<%= post.created_at.strftime('%B %d, %Y') %>

<%= truncate(post.summary, :length => 128) %>

<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= render_page('website_selector_vac') %> <%= render_page('ad_side_leisure') %> <%= render_page('ad_side_leisure_2') %> <%= render_page('agents_side_list') %> <%= render_page('testimonial_side') %>
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