When the Chinese lunar New Year Day drops on 12 February 2021, the Chinese zodiac sign will officially tick over to the Year of the Ox, lasting until 30 January 2022.
The Chinese zodiac, or shengxiao, is made up of 12 different animals that repeat on a cycle. Each year is celebrated and represented by the animal and its reputed attributes. The 2021 Chinese zodiac sign, the Ox, means this year will be methodical and filled with hard work. Those who work hard will be rewarded, and zodiac signs who are lucky with money will see the greatest outcomes.
So what is your Chinese zodiac sign meaning and what is your Chinese horoscope for 2021? Let's dive in and see where you could (fingers crossed) be travelling to this year.
2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox
Year of birth: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021If you were born in one of the above years, your Chinese zodiac sign is the Ox. People born during a year of the Ox are known for being diligent, dependable, strong and determined. In 2021 your Chinese horoscope says your lucky numbers are 1, 4 and combos of the two. Your lucky directions are north and south, lucky colours are white, yellow and green, and lucky flowers are peach blossoms and tulips.
So, what does this mean for travel in 2021? With those two lucky flowers the answers seem obvious – take a trip to the tulip fields of the Netherlands, and catch peach blossoms (a near cousin to the more famous cherry blossoms) in Japan.

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Tiger
Year of birth: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022If the Tiger is your Chinese zodiac sign, then in 2021 your lucky colours are blue, grey and orange. The colour blue instantly makes us think of incredible island destinations like Greece. Just imagine yourself sailing between islands, eating fresh seafood and soaking in the sunshine. Those born in the year of the Tiger are known for being quick-witted, resourceful, versatile and kind.

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
Year of birth: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011Your lucky colours in 2021 are red, pink, purple and blue. That makes us think of a deep wintery sunset. Quite fitting since those with Rabbit as the Chinese zodiac sign are known for being quiet, elegant, kind and responsible. It sounds like the sort of person open to quiet reflection and perhaps incredible India could provide this space for thought.

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Year of birth: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012Your lucky colours in 2021 are gold, silver and a greyish white. These colours make us think of the lavish palaces in the Loire Valley. White stone outside with ornate gold details within. Just like the French, the Dragon sign is confident, intelligent and enthusiastic. It sounds like a trail through the country of camembert and champagne is on the cards in 2021.

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake
Year of birth: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013Luck is here for those born in the year of the Snake. Snake zodiac signs are known for being enigmatic, intelligent and wise and this year the lucky clouds are red, black and yellow. The Chinese zodiac sign meaning for 2021 points towards improving relationships and meeting new people. Given those lucky colours, perhaps those new people will be met in Germany or Belgium – both countries have red, yellow and black in the flag.

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse
Year of birth: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014Animated, active and energetic, those born in the year of the Horse are a lively bunch. Your Chinese Horoscope 2021 points to dreams and aspirations coming into play. Your lucky colours are green and gold, so perhaps your answers lie in Ireland. The Emerald Isle is known for its rolling green hills and pots of gold at the end of each rainbow. The trick is finding the gold!

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Goat
Year of birth: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015Don’t let anything get you down or stop you from achieving. In 2021 the Goat Chinese zodiac sign will be optimistic with self-confidence and have faith in others. Known for being calm, gentle and sympathetic, your lucky colours this year are brown, red and purple. In 2021 why not chase down the red phone booths, royal purple cloaks and cosy pubs of London.

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Monkey
Year of birth: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016The year 2021 is an important mark for a Monkey. According to your Chinese horoscope, you will succeed in finding balance and the best path for yourself. Wishes will come trite at the perfect moment, and this zodiac sign – known for being sharp, smart and curious – will gain more self-confidence. This year’s lucky colours are white, blue and gold – the same as the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Perhaps a trip to the Balkans will help any Monkey find their path and success.

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rooster
Year of birth: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017It should be a good year for Roosters. Known for being observant, hardworking and courageous, the Year of the Ox will reward those ready to work hard and put in the time. The lucky colours for 2021 are gold, brown and yellow. Those are three warm tones pointing to dry, dusty places so the African plains are calling your name. This could be the year you spot the Big 5 in the wild!

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Year of birth: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018Like the animal themselves, Dog zodiac signs are known for being lovely, honest and energetic. But be sure to save your energy in 2021 and be careful with how you use it. Your lucky colours this year are red, green and purple. In 2021 make like a Portuguese water dog and head to the small Iberian nation. Here you’ll find red wine (obviously), green wine (vinho verde from the northern most region) and even purple moscatel wine. Saude to that.

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Pig
Year of birth: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019Money is coming your way in 2021, Pigs. You have the energy of the Ox sign on your side, giving you gifts and good luck for the year. Pigs are known for being compassionate, generous and diligent, leading to great decision making. Your Chinese horoscope 2021 lays out yellow, grey, brown and gold as your lucky colours. Known for its spectacle of ancient humanity rather a love of colour, the sandy Egyptian pyramids might be on the cards for Pigs in 2021.

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rat
Year of birth: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020For our quick-witted, resourceful and kind Rats, the Chinese Horoscope 2021 says your optimism will be at an all-time high. It might sound impossible after the year that was 2020, but ride your high into a positive year of abundance. Your luck colours are blue, green and gold and we can picture you dancing through the hills of Tuscany in summer 2021. The dusty golden earth, tall green trees and vibrantly blue sky are calling. As is the wine.

Content courtesy of Trafalgar